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Light not baking (2020.1)

Discussion in 'Universal Render Pipeline' started by TomateSalat, Jul 25, 2020.

  1. TomateSalat


    Apr 13, 2018
    Since Unity 2020.1 I've really big problems with baking lights. I've now spend over 7 hours and was able to bake only once(!!!). I don't think that the scene is any different to the one I've used when baking lights in 2019.3 because I have not added any static object to the scene.

    It seems like that Unity just decides to stop processing the baking task (now at 39%. But I also had it at 83%, 99%).

    Another problem is that Unity don't let me properly cancel/stop baking the lights. If I stop and start again then the other task must be somewhere in the background. I can see it because the panel Background Tasks get's a number within the brackets (which isn't the case if I run the task for the first time).

    On top of that problem I have yet another one. When I want to close Unity after a backing process has failed - it stucks. So I have to foce-close it (which might related to the not closed background tasks).

    Does anyone might have a workaround?