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Lavish Polygon Editor - The advanced Polygon Collider 2D editor

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by yokljo, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. yokljo


    Nov 20, 2019

    Lavish Polygon Editor is a set of tools for Polygon Collider 2D that override the default tools to bring you much more flexible and advanced ways to edit your collider polygons.​

    This asset has been at minimum tested on Unity 2020.3.12f1 and on Unity 2021.1.2f1, on Windows and Linux.

    Here's a list of features:

    • Advanced collider point editing functionality:
    ↳ Hold shift to select multiple points.
    ↳ Move multiple points at a time.
    ↳ Delete multiple points at a time.
    ↳ Box (de-)select points.
    ↳ Double-click a point to select all connected points.
    ↳ Add points to edges.
    ↳ Create new point loops and holes.
    ↳ Hold Shift to snap to an 0.1 unit grid.​

    • Interactive boolean tools:
    ↳ The "Knife" tool lets you easily chop a polygon into multiple parts.
    ↳ The "Brush" tool lets you add/remove regions of a collider by painting.​

    • Interactive collider polygon simplification algorithm:
    ↳ Adjust how many points to remove.
    ↳ Adjust the preference for removing points from straight lines/short edges.
    ↳ Simplify a specific selection of the points in a collider polygon.​

    • Flip the polygon on the X or Y axis.
    • Reset the collider to the SpriteRenderer's physics shape.
    • Apply your collider polygon to the Sprite asset's physics shape.
    • Move the position of the GameObject without moving the points of the polygon in world space.
    • Very optimised, works well with large numbers of points.
    • Documentation available right in the inspector.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021