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Joystick D-PAD input controller

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Klamore74r, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Klamore74r


    Dec 19, 2014
    I'll trying to get input from the d-pad of some joypad, assigning it to two axises. I'm trying both with saitek x-55 and saitek pro-fly yoke system.

    Both of them, when move only up or only right, move both axis.

    This is my configuration:

    HorizontalView-> Joy2, Axis X, gravity:0 sensibility:1
    VerticalView -> Joy3, Axis Y, gravity:0 sensibility:1

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  2. longroadhwy


    May 4, 2014
    It almost sounds like it is an 8-way hat switch. I have a similar issue with 8-way hat switch on the CH products Fighterstick and is not supported in the Unity input system. I use a commercial solution Rewired - Advanced Input for Unity to solve this problem.

    Take a look at Rewired (!/content/21676) since it supports the Saitek X-55 directly and givens you access to all buttons, hats and switches. (msg #327) and you see some of the named elements on the Saitek X-55 that you can work with directly. The total number of elements you have access to is 32 on the stick and 48 on the throttle.

    EDIT: As of Rewired it supports both the Saitek Pro Flight Yoke system and the Saitek X-55 are supported and huge number of controllers. See the full list here:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017