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Issue with multiplayer interpolation

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Sprakle, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Sprakle


    Jun 8, 2013
    (Posted earlier on a StackExchange site, but it was probably too unity-specific)

    In a fast-paced multiplayer game I'm working on, there is an issue with the interpolation algorithm. This interpolation is for a moving object not controlled by the local computer.

    The server sends packets with the object's position at a fixed rate. (red markers) The interpolation algorithm is attempting (and failing) to create a smooth path between the red markers.

    The results of this interpolation are shown by green and black markers. Green is the local position at the exact time a packet is received, and black is the local position at every frame.

    Green: Local position when a packet is received (edited for clarity)

    Red: Position received from packet (goal)

    Blue: Line from local position to goal when packet is received

    Black: Local position every frame

    On a network with a realistic amount of lag and packet loss, this is the result:

    The local position (green&black lines) seems to oscillate around the goals (red lines) instead of moving between them smoothly.

    This is how it looks on a perfect network with the object moving right to left. (0 ping, 0 packet loss, etc.)

    The code works like this:

    1. Every x ms, receive a packet with a Vector3 position
    2. Set the `goal` to that position
    3. Set the `positionAtLastPacket` to the current local position
    4. Every frame, lerp from `positionAtLastPacket` to `goal`, attempting to reach the goal approximately when the next packet should arrive.
    5. If the next packet takes longer than expected, interpolation continues past the goal and becomes extrapolation.

    I believe what is happening is the extrapolation overshoots a bit to far. Over several packets, this issue compounds, causing the oscillation.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. // local transform position when the last packet arrived. Will lerp from here to the goal
    2. private Vector3 positionAtLastPacket;
    4. // location received from last packet
    5. private Vector3 goal;
    7. // time since the last packet arrived
    8. private float currentTime;
    10. // estimated time to reach goal (also the expected time of the next packet)
    11. private float timeToReachGoal;
    13. private void PacketReceived(Vector3 position, float timeBetweenPackets)
    14. {
    15.     positionAtLastPacket = transform.position;
    16.     goal = position;
    18.     timeToReachGoal = timeBetweenPackets;
    19.     currentTime = 0;
    21.     Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, Vector3.up, Color.cyan, 5); // current local position
    22.     Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, goal,, 5); // path to goal
    23.     Debug.DrawRay(goal, Vector3.up,, 5); // received goal position
    24. }
    26. private void Update()
    27. {
    28.     currentTime += Time.deltaTime;
    30.     float delta = currentTime/timeToReachGoal;
    31.     transform.position = FreeLerp(positionAtLastPacket, goal, delta);
    33.     // current local position
    34.     Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, Vector3.up * 0.5f,, 5);
    35. }
    37. /// <summary>
    38. /// Lerp without being locked to 0-1
    39. /// </summary>
    40. Vector3 FreeLerp(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float t)
    41. {
    42.     return from + (to - from) * t;
    43. }

    Any idea about what's going on?