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Issue with GooglePlayGames Plugin

Discussion in 'Android' started by ObsidianSpire, May 7, 2015.

  1. ObsidianSpire


    Sep 13, 2013

    I'm trying to implement achievements and leaderboards with Google Play Games for my upcoming Android game. I can't seem to get it to work even when following the code shown in the readme from their Github page (

    Sample logcat output:

    There's a couple Error_Not_Authorized messages thrown in there, but I only have a guess at why it's getting thrown at all.

    Here's what I wrote to set up the Google platform in a Start method:

    // recommended for debugging:
    PlayGamesPlatform.DebugLogEnabled = true;
    // Activate the Google Play Games platform

    In that same script, when the user clicks on the Play button it tries to sign them in like so:

    // authenticate user:
    Social.localUser.Authenticate((bool success) => {
    // handle success or failure
    SettingsHolder.googleLogIn = true;
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GoogleLogIn", 1);
    //logged in
    SettingsHolder.googleLogIn = false;
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GoogleLogIn", 0);
    //error or canceled -ignore?

    I think the reason this code isn't working is a Manifest issue. Right now the project has I think 3 Manifest files in the plugins folder. 1st from UnityAds, 2nd from GooglePlayServices, and the 3rd is from "MainLibProj."

    My game is actively using UnityAds (Version: 1.1.4 (Apr 16, 2015)Size: 1.9 MB) and GooglePlayGames (current-build-- GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.9.20.unitypackage) at the moment- not even sure what MainLibProj is for, but the manifest file said not to edit it... I'm really confused on how to combine the manifests properly or what I need to do here. I read an article about the manifest files for Google Play Game Services on the Android developer site, but it was primarily dealing with their mobile-ads integration and it seemed like it wasn't the right steps for my situation. This is the article I saw (

    Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

    Thanks for your help in advance!
    Last edited: May 7, 2015