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Question Is there an updated version of the tutorial / README for the MatchPlaySample on Matchmaker setup?

Discussion in 'Matchmaker' started by shu-yan, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. shu-yan


    Dec 1, 2022
    I am referring to this sample codebase:

    I tried to follow the setup guide recently but find that there are a few settings not mentioned or not matched to what was shown in the README, in particular the Rules set up for the queue pools, e.g. Team count / Player count / Team Rules. The only relevant words are: Set up the basic team definitions, and skip the advanced rules for now.

    I have looked through the linked documentation page , but still can't determine any obvious / suitable setting for this sample demo code
  2. David_Gourde


    Unity Technologies

    Oct 18, 2021
    Hey, this sample has been made to be minimal, and work with a single team and any number of players. When setting up the Pool, you could use a min./max. teams of 1, min. players of 1 and max of 10, and enable backfill. This will let you test the sample and backfill from the server.
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