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Is the Unity 2D udemy course a good place to start learning PROFESSIONAL code and game design?

Discussion in 'Community Learning & Teaching' started by JBGamemaker, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. JBGamemaker


    Dec 9, 2018
    I've recently been told that If i want to make a game that is actually good then im gonna have to start Learnring for REAL and I've got this udemy course that I havent touched in quite a while
    here is the link to what im talking about
    does this look/is this a good place to start learning to make professional code and professional games?
  2. Owen-Reynolds


    Feb 15, 2012
    When people talk about learning "for real" they mean a regular programming book. I haven't seen the Udemy course, but things like it are showing you a lot at once. Too much to do programming justice. It will have have an amount of "type this, here's an idea what it does". Whereas a good pure programming book would have you able to figure out 3 other ways of doing the same type, being able to type them from scratch. Or, to make a change in existing code you'd be able to see what parts to keep and which don't fit anymore. Or you'd be able to look at a big chunk of someone else's code and see "set-up, more set-up, using the results ... ah-ha -- those 3 lines are the important part I need".

    But many regular programming books aren't so great. They have the same style of "type this, then this -- isn't that cool? Now I'll tell you a little about it but not enough to be able to write it for yourself".

    A value of that Udemy course, possibly (again, haven't seen it) is more "familiarity". You get more of a feel for which parts matter. Then when you see a possibly dry and boring book over tricks with IF statements you think "ahhh --- that's what they were doing with their jumping code, and is how I'd need to think to code air-jumps with a power-up". Or, you learn enough to make most of a game, then either change the parts you can't program or hire someone to finish.
  3. LethalInjection


    Jan 25, 2015
    If you are learning just Unity and already know c#, then you can start with very simple projects in mind.
    a project that only has:
    movement mechanics,
    inventory system,

    This will make it easy to refer back to it, try things out, and you can just clone it for new projects.
  4. DevViktoria


    Apr 6, 2021
    I recently started to learn unity I did a bunch of courses on The beginner pathway and the junior pathway was quite a good start. And then I searched for specific courses about animation, audio, physics, lighting etc. But I learned the most when I actually started to work on my game that I wanted to create.
    And perhaps I would like to add that do not try to code your game perfect at the first try. Because things will evolve, and you can always refactor your code, escpecially if you are using a source control system (like git).