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Is it possible to use two Canvases?

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by Abdo023, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. Abdo023


    Dec 18, 2017
    I'm making a 2D strategy game ( Think of a digital board game). The game has two parts, several menus and a "map" with a bunch of icons that you click on or drag around. These icons are basically buttons. So, I thought that instead of doing them as normal sprites in the game world, I can simply make them UI buttons.

    The problem I'm facing now is I only have one canvas and I keep switching between panels in order to the actual design of the game.

    So my question is, is there a way I can have two canvases one for the menus and another for the "map" side by side so I can see and edit both parts of my game at the same time?
  2. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    You can create as many canvasses as you want. I have four in my current project.
  3. Abdo023


    Dec 18, 2017
    Thanks for your answer. Yes, I can use multiple canvases but positioning them side by side isn't as easy as you might think.
    I found that using normal gameobjects for the 'map' design is more simple if redundant.