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Question Is it bad to call Advertisement.Load() more than once?

Discussion in 'Unity Ads & User Acquisition' started by qiveal, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. qiveal


    Jan 31, 2022
    Hello, simple question. In my game I will call Advertisement.Load() whenever I want to play an ad. However, due to some logic I have setup in the callback OnUnityAdsAdLoaded(string adUnitId) I may not actually call Advertisement.Show() at that time. My concern is, that when I come around in my game loop to the point where I want to play an ad there's a good possibility that Advertisement.Load() could be called multiple times and then Advertisement.Show() once. Could this get me into any fraud or any other trouble with Unity?
  2. Yasuyuki


    Unity Technologies

    Sep 11, 2014
    You can call Load() even don't call Show() afterward.
    If I can say anything to concern about, it could be increased internet traffic on the end-user side whether they play video ads or not.
  3. Rabadash8820


    Aug 20, 2015
    I've seen the ratio of ads shown to ads loaded called "display rate". You generally want to keep your display rate close to 100%, i.e., try not to load an ad unless you're confident it will be shown. This isn't to avoid fraud, but to improve your fill rate and eCPM: ad networks will not want to send their good ads to apps with low display rates, as they're less confident that the ads will ever be shown!