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Audio iOS Mute Other Audio Sources checkbox not working

Discussion in 'Audio & Video' started by Annopolus, May 23, 2019.

  1. Annopolus


    Apr 15, 2015
    Hi All!

    The problem was described on Forum a little. It is about on iOS you cant start background music playing (ie Spotify) with Unity app on the front.

    There is a bug:
    which is in the state FIXED in 2019.2

    I dont want to use the beta version (as 2019.2 currently is) for production, so is there any workaround for the previous versions (i'm using 2018.3.12). In fact in the above link there is a proposition for a workaround, however, I'm not experienced in the native iOS code and dont know how to implement it.

    Thank you for any advices...
  2. Annopolus


    Apr 15, 2015
    Maybe there is on the forum somebody skilled in native Xcode, who knows how to change an effect of not working "Mute other audio sources" and revert it in Xcode project? There is a suggestion to put: [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient error: nil]; ) somewhere... help, please!

    And a question to somebody from Unity: what's comm'on with this bug? Why in the issutracker is an info about fix in 2019.2, when in the relase notes of 2018.3.8 is clearly seen "iOS: Fixed background audio stopping when startin an Unity app on iOS. (1115948)". Very frustrating.... :-(

    BTW, what a nightmare. I have quite complex project with so many external libs (IAP, AdMob, Firebase, and more). Unfortunately, as expected, importing the project to 2019.2.0b3 completely destroyed it. So, I can see that using this version is not an option for me as for now :-(