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iOS device performance problem

Discussion in 'iOS and tvOS' started by lukagril, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. lukagril


    Nov 29, 2016

    I have a simple 2D game made in Unity. It works perfectly on all Android devices. Recently I've made a decision to develop it for iOS also. When I try that same game on iOS device, it performs quite badly. It is not as smooth as on Android devices. It feels like it produces lower fps. Any ideas or tips how to fix this ?

    Regards, L

    EDIT: I found a problem. By default, iOS devices run on 30 fps, and Android on 60 fps. Is there any way for me to set frame rate to 60 on iOS devices ? I already tried with Application.targetFrameRate = 60; and turned off VSync but without success. Any ideas ?
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
  2. Johannski


    Jan 25, 2014
    You can't turn off vsync on iOS. Your finding with setting the targetframe rate is correct. Take a look at your quality settings (Edit-> Project Settings-> Quality) and make sure that ios has the same setting as android. If your game is dead simple, than you should be ready to go.
    If you have real performance issues, first go through the player settings and see what you can change. I recommend:
    - Scripting Backend: IL2CPP
    - Target Minimum iOS Version: 8.0
    - Accelerometer Frquency: Disabled
    - Architecture: ARM64
    - Prebake Collision Meshes: on
    - Keep loaded Shaders alive: on
    - Strip Engine Code: on
    - Script Call Optimization: Fast but no Exceptions
    - Optimize Mesh Data: on

    When you still have performance issues afterwards it is time to connect the profiler to your device and see whats going on.
    naz89 and EyalBira like this.