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iOS App Size Exploding

Discussion in 'iOS and tvOS' started by sfjohansson, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. sfjohansson


    Mar 12, 2013
    Got a little problem with my app size which seems to explode when I upload to the app store, at least it warns me that it is above download limit and shows the size as 230mb. This is an update, it was originally made in Unity 4/ 64bit/il2cppand had a size around 100mb. The Android version of the app comes out around 85mb.

    Used Assets Breakdown: (using build report tool)

    Textures: 42mb
    Sounds 20
    Scenes 15mb
    File Headers 15mb
    Other Assets 12mb
    Meshes 5.6mb
    System DLLs 4mb
    Shaders 4mb
    Scripts 1mb
    Animations 0.5mb

    I have stripping and bitcode enabled.

    Has anybody encountered this and can suggest a solution...or does the store simply give the wrong size after upload?
  2. Moonjump


    Apr 15, 2010
    How long has it been since you last updated. There was a change a while back where the iOS App Store changed the figure from download size to installed size, which is a lot larger.

    Also, check the installed size per device, as this is usually smaller. You'll find the figures on App Store Connects.

    You don't say what version you are using now.