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iOS 14 IDFA ATT Readiness - Migrating from older iOS versions with advertisingTrackingEnabled

Discussion in 'iOS and tvOS' started by dpodz_the_grey, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. dpodz_the_grey


    Oct 27, 2020
    Hello all,

    I have a question about a specific case to handle for our iOS 14 readiness.

    The situation:

    • Using IronSource (v7.0.4.1) with several adapters (AdColony, AppLovin, Facebook AN, UnityAds) to serve ads within our game.
    • Using this asset to handle calls to/from the iOS 14 ATT framework.
    • Building with Unity 2019.3.9f1.

    The question:

    We are wondering how to handle the situation where a user migrates from an older iOS version to iOS 14. In this webinar around 14 minutes they explain that "IF a pre-iOS 14 user has the Limit Ad Tracking option enabled, we shouldn't show them the iOS 14 ATT popup".

    This seems to be clear, but I'm uncertain about a few things:
    1. The Limit Ad Tracking (also called advertisingTrackingEnabled) option is deprecated in iOS 14. I'm not sure if this would lead to odd behaviour like crashing or never showing the popup if I check for Device.advertisingTrackingEnabled before calling the ATT popup.
    2. If Device.advertisingTrackingEnabled == true, does IronSource automatically detect this and disable IDFA tracking internally? In other words, do I skip the popup in this case?
    3. (Semi-related) Does Device.advertisingTrackingEnabled == true or ATT Popup == Declined imply that I should set GDPR consent to false (i.e. using IronSource.agent.setConsent(false))
      Edit in response to question number (3):
      From Ironsource:
      For publishers who prefer not to collect consent, the ironSource solution – both the network and the mediation platform – is built to ensure compliance with the GDPR.
      • On the network level, ironSource will serve your users who are subject to GDPR with ads that are non-personalized
      • On the mediation level, ironSource is working closely with all the networks to confirm that they too have the technical solution to address serving your users who are subject to GDPR with ads that are not personalized if no consent was provided
    Looking for any insight on this situation. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
    onio likes this.
  2. ByteBrew


    Mar 24, 2021
    Hey! I know you are looking for an answer about if they have Pre-iOS 14, the ByteSyze SDK linked in Github, is a free solution that has a ATT custom completion handler and does handle if users aren't setup with iOS 14 and returns the correct status for any situation like: if they have Limit Ad Tracking Enabled. Here are the docs and if your looking for just the ATT solution you can skip to step 7.