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Introducing PlayFab, a complete backend-as-service for Unity

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by PlayFabJames, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Brendan-Vanous


    Nov 7, 2014
    Great! Feel free to set up an account on You'll be set up with your first title, which you can use for all the experimentation you need. For any questions, please let us know in our Community (, where you can also submit tickets for anything that required confidentiality for any reason (intellectual property or competitive advantage concerns, for example).
    hippocoder likes this.
  2. Ghopper21


    Aug 24, 2012
    I see the Title Content is limited to 100 keys with 10 KB values. That's very little.

    What is intended to be used for shared DLC style data?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
  3. Brendan-Vanous


    Nov 7, 2014

    Apologies for the delay on this - for some reason, I wasn't alerted with an email as usual. Yes, the free service is limited in terms of data space to values chosen to a) be manageable in terms of cost (since we're not charging anything for it), and b) cover as much of the majority case as possible - most titles we reviewed would fit into the spaces we defined, no problem.

    That said, if you need more space, feel free to let us know the details at We can always work out a custom contract with you which provides an "overage" cost for titles that need more. The costs on this will be fairly low, since it's all at AWS scale, but we would need to pass on some costs in those cases.

    When you say "shared DLC", do you mean traditional downloadable content, or user generated content? For the former, we have our Content service. For the latter, we'll be providing a UGC service in a future update, but it's possible to build one now, using custom game server logic which makes use of the Admin API calls, again using the Content service.
  4. sathya


    Jul 30, 2012
    Want to upload player's level replay data to CDN. Each player will have a single JSON file consist of his level replays (Replay data contains few Vector3 and float values and very small in size). Is Playfab's Content service a good choice for this kinda implementation. And does Playfab's Content service support such structure. Thanks in advance.
  5. Brendan-Vanous


    Nov 7, 2014
    Sorry for the delay getting back you on this. Yes, it's possible to use the Content service this way, though you would need to do this via a custom game server (which you can host with us, as well), as the Content upload functionality is not available to the Client. This is specifically to prevent a hacked client from abusing the Content service to host arbitrary files, which would cost you money for files you didn't want stored (our CDN rates are low, but we don't want you paying for someone's illegal file storage). That server would also then be the mechanism for hosting the logic to provide players with the listing of available content in whatever manner you need (most voted, most recent, etc.). Feel free to open a ticket with us via our site, and we can walk you through the details of you could accomplish this.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  6. sathya


    Jul 30, 2012
    Thanks. But i am writing here because I am not able to reply to threads or create new thread on Playfab forum for some reason. Submit buttons do not respond in forum for me.

    Quick question. Well players are not allowed to upload files from the game client but can this be achieved with cloud script rather than a running server instance
  7. Brendan-Vanous


    Nov 7, 2014
    Apologies for the delay - for some reason, I didn't get a notification that there was a reply to me. Can you open a ticket on our site, so that I can work with you on the issue you had starting a forum thread?

    Meanwhile, for your question: No, the Content service is currently designed for Admin-only uploads, while Cloud Script is designed for Server API calls into the service. We are looking into making a UGC system in a future update, but I'm afraid that's a little ways out, still. We could potentially add the Content uploads to the Server API, in order to make this specific type of use case available (relatively lightweight JSON files), but it's something we'd need to review the requirements for - feel free to open a ticket with us, if you'd like to discuss that further.