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Feature Request Interactable: Hit closest only

Discussion in 'XR Interaction Toolkit and Input' started by freso, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. freso


    Mar 19, 2013
    I may have missed something obvious, because I feel this should already be possible, but...

    An Interactable hovering multiple SocketInteractors (with 'Show Interactable hover meshes'), makes the Interactable mesh being displayed in all Sockets. Only the Socket which actually will grab the Interactable when I release the object, should show the hover mesh. (Think a backpack inventory with many sockets).

    Using the same terminology as the RayInteractor: 'Hit closest only' would probably be a good idea.

    Also, adding the function to BaseInteractor/BaseInteractable would be good. Not sure why it's only on RayInteractor. I may have many small objects I want to grab with my fat hand. I probably only want to grab the closes one.
    Polyversian likes this.