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Intended Suggestion to Avoid Instability. (Please redirect if needed)

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by nyscersul, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. nyscersul


    Oct 17, 2018
    My proposal is to add two new options buttons to the Console view, maybe a toggle and a button.

    They could be simply named "Purge Logs At Limit" and "Purge logs to disk" the latter being a toggle dictating how the first should work. They might also benefit from an editor preferences setting that lets you dictate the limit.

    The first should provide the functionality to purge the debug window at a certain memory limit. The second to temporarily disable writing to the editor log, such that you can spam the debugs freely without unity accessing the hard drive, or becoming so large a memory resident program that the editor freezes.


    I have been making a new project recently, and i have a lot of math going on.

    I end up in this situation a lot, where the math requires frequent debug.logs, and often when checking complex behaviours and using many debug.logs, the editor quickly becomes unstable, often to the point of locking up my machine. And, if you use FixedUpdate... The problem becomes much worse due to the frequency.

    I know full well why this is, it is because the pc is then disklocked, it basically runs out of ram, and begins to utilise virtual memory. This is of course a windows system i am talking about, but i guess the same applies to linux and mac etc, in some way. With much patience, the stability of unity does usually return, but you are left unable to progress for quite a long time whilst the disklocking resolves. Sometimes, however, the ram used is so much that it really takes an hour or two...

    I am unsure if this is an appropriate place to post this, if it is not *please* redirect me. :)

    And... Unity Rocks!
  2. nyscersul


    Oct 17, 2018
    As a reference, my game project without debugs consumes about 500mb of ram. And due to debug.logs, it has gotten to the point of 8.5gb of ram. :)