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Resolved Instantiate clones array destroyer

Discussion in 'Prefabs' started by xOSSxKratos, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. xOSSxKratos


    Apr 4, 2021
    Success! I'm so happy I'll share the experience to help out others. I looked all over for the answer to this problem, then had a eureka moment when I figured out the solution.


    The Problem:
    Original prefab gets destroyed with its clones on destroy due to tag name.
    Spawner broke because it had no prefab to clone.

    The Solution:
    Created a clone Tag called "Clone".
    I gave the clones a new tag(Clone) as they were instantiated with cube.tag = "Clone";
    Changed the FindGameObjectsWitheTag to ("Clone").

    The long story with details:

    The problem was:
    I had a spawner. It spawned clones of a prefab(Taged: MiniGamePrefabs) on mass. When the player leaves the area or game over, the score goes to 0, the collection of prefabs GameObject[].FindGameObjectsWithTag("MiniGamePrefabs") gets destroyed. Problem is when the player goes back into the area the spawner has no prefab to reference, the original prefab gets destroyed because it's tag("MiniGamePrefabs"). I saw a few complicated solutions, but you always want to take the simplest approach if you can.

    --Below is the ResetScore script with the FindGameObjects[] to create the list of tagged objects.

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    public class ResetScore : MonoBehaviour
    private int resetScore = 0;

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)

    ****//Creating the list of objects to be destroyed here//****
    GameObject[] argo = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MiniGamePrefabs");
    foreach (GameObject go in argo)
    ****//This is when the list gets destroyed//****
    ****//Resets all minigames scores to 0//****
    //reset score of all mini games of saber type
    ScoringSystemCatSaber.catSaborTheScore = resetScore;
    SquilSaber1ScoreManager.squilSaber1TheScore = resetScore;
    SquilSaber2ScoreManager.squilSaber2TheScore = resetScore;
    SquilSaber3ScoreManager.squilSaber3TheScore = resetScore;
    StinkSaberScoreManager.stinkSaberTheScore = resetScore;
    ScoringSystemToySaber.toySaberTheScore = resetScore;
    CarTrouble1ScoringSystem.carTroubleTheScore = resetScore;
    CarTrouble2ScoringSystem.carTrouble2TheScore = resetScore;
    CarTrouble3ScoringSystem.carTrouble3TheScore = resetScore;


    --Below is the Spawner script that spawns GameObject cube on mass.

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour

    public GameObject[] cubes;
    public Transform[] points;
    public float beat = (60/130)*2;
    public float timer;

    void Update()
    if (timer>beat)
    GameObject cube = Instantiate(cubes[Random.Range(0, 4)], points[Random.Range(0, 4)]);
    ******* cube.tag = "Clone"; ******* //This is the one line of code added to fix my problem//
    cube.transform.localPosition =;
    cube.transform.Rotate(transform.forward, 90 * Random.Range(0, 4));
    timer -= beat;
    timer += Time.deltaTime;

    The Solution:
    Created a clone Tag called "Clone".
    I gave the clones a new tag(Clone) as they were instantiated with cube.tag = "Clone";
    Changed the FindGameObjectsWitheTag to ("Clone").