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InputField's InputType and Validation.

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by FredZvt81, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. FredZvt81


    Apr 8, 2014
    Hi, Folks!
    I have some notes about the InputField component:

    Property "InputType" has three values:
    a) "Standard" which is ok;
    b) "AutoCorrect" which looks like a first step to a suggestion box input but I didn't work out how to make it work;
    c) "Password" which change chars to asterisks when we're typing but shows the clear text as we loose focus. This seems like a bug;
    I also noted that this property isn't mentioned in the manual, only in the script reference.

    Property "validation" seems to work well but I don't know why it is not accessible through the inspector. It has five available values but I only understand the meaning of None, Integer and Float. Name and Username are incomprehensible to me and there are no comments on code nor documentation about this values.

    Delegate "onValidateInput" is working as I expected but it is been called twice for each typed char.
