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TextMesh Pro Input Field Auto Active

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by gaglabs, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. gaglabs


    Oct 17, 2019
    I'm using TMP input field (IF) with the hidden keyboard feature. So when the IF is selected and active i move the IF up to match the hidden device input, or where it would of been. Kind of like android does and FB when commenting. But when I click the send button to send the IF text to my server the IF becomes disabled and drops back down becuase I have in an update field that if isFocused then leave the input field up and if not focused then move it back down to original spot. My question is, has anyone tried to tackle this. Like keep it active the whole time you're using the Device Keyboard and then if the device keyboard is swiped away or something then hide it.