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Inference with exported .ONNX model in python

Discussion in 'ML-Agents' started by unity_NFo0Ygq0Gj8sOg, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. unity_NFo0Ygq0Gj8sOg


    Apr 21, 2020
    Hi, I want to run inference from a .onnx model I created in ml-agents in a python script using onnxruntime.

    It is a simple model with discrete action space (branch size 1x3), and runs correctly in Unity. But when I run it in python, it gives an array of three numbers as output, instead of a single integer. Do you know what are those numbers and how can I convert them into the correct vectorAction?

    - If I do inference in Ml-agents, and set the action space to continuous, I also get the same numbers as results. Therefore I think these numbers are what the network should output, and then they are somehow preprocessed before they are passed on to the agent.

    - My Tensorflow version is 1.13.1 and Ml-Agents version is 0.15.1

    Code (Python):
    1. import onnxruntime
    2. import numpy as np
    3. model = "model.onnx"
    4. sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(model)
    5. #vector_observation:0
    6. x = np.array([[-4.141203 , -0.8933127 , -3.927535 , -1.150026]])
    7. x = x.astype(np.float32)
    8. #action_masks:0
    9. y = np.array([[-1.031152 , -1.114622 , -1.154025]])
    10. y = y.astype(np.float32)
    11. result =[output_name], {"vector_observation:0": x, "action_masks:0": y})
    [array([[-1.0638015, -1.1055297, -1.1275567]], dtype=float32)]
    the vector action in Unity for the same input was "0"

  2. celion_unity


    Jun 12, 2019
    Those are the log probabilities of each branch being chosen. If you raise 'e' to each one, you'll see that they sum to 1.0:

    Code (Python):
    1. >>> import math
    2. >>> log_probs = [-1.0638015, -1.1055297, -1.1275567]
    3. >>> probs = [math.pow(math.e, lp) for lp in log_probs]
    4. >>> sum(probs)
    5. 1.0000002336510594
    You can see how this is used in C# in this part of the code: - the will contain the log probabilities, then we convert them to normal probability space, and select an index based on the probability weight.
  3. unity_NFo0Ygq0Gj8sOg


    Apr 21, 2020
    Thank you! So I should be able to select the index of the largest number, and that should be the agentAction. But from the numbers I get, the first is always the largest, for example:
    .onnx inference result (Python) correct agent action (from inference in Unity)
    [-1.0044976, -1.1231222, -1.176004] 0
    [-1.0019577, -1.1218884, -1.180334] 0
    [-1.0027038, -1.1222707, -1.179038] 0
    [-1.0023875, -1.1221073, -1.1795887] 1
    [-1.0007201, -1.1212393, -1.1825048] 2

    I have guess, that it has to do with the action masks. I don't use any action masks in my agent and I try to override the default action mask collector:
    Code (CSharp):
    1.     public override void CollectDiscreteActionMasks(DiscreteActionMasker actionMasker)
    2.     {
    3.         List<int> actionIndices = new List<int>() { };
    4.         actionMasker.SetMask(0, actionIndices);
    5.     }
    But the model still expects an array of three for "action_masks:0" to run. For that always gave [1,1,1] as input.