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Improve your QA with the Gameplay Test Recorder

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Deleted User, Jul 26, 2021.

  1. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    Hi everyone!
    We are proud to release our first tool: The Gameplay Test Recorder (GTR).

    What is GTR?
    The Gameplay Test Recorder is an editor tool that lets you record your inputs during gameplay - and replay them later to test your applications. No longer do you need to test your levels again and again and again to check if they still work. Play them once and let GTR do the rest!

    How does GTR work?
    GTR analyzes your project to find all your input classes, then patches them during runtime to add in the recording functionality. Don't worry - it is impossible for the GTR to really change your code, everything happens during runtime and only when you want it to. GTR is plug and play; all you need to do is tell it which input system you are using.
    Currently, we support recording for Unity Legacy Input Manager, Rewired, and Unity Input System (limited as of yet). If you are using anything else, chances are that your input system uses the Input Manager internally. GTR also finds your inputs in DLLs, so you are good to go. If you have an input system that doesn't work with the GTR, let us know!
    GTR seamlessly integrates into the Unity Test Runner. All your replays can be run as tests, so you don't have to watch them all the time. You can even test your GUI in batch mode!

    Upcoming features
    We at 2GuyGames are working tirelessly to make GTR as good a tool as it can be. We are currently at version 0.4 - so we are still in beta. We have the best support for the Unity Input Manager; Rewired needs some fine-tuning, and Unity Input System needs a lot more work.
    Currently, we are working on some quality of life features. Such as mouse tracking (so you can see where clicks happen in the replay), handling randomness in replays, and copy-paste into input fields.
    Major upcoming features:

    • Proper support for Unity Input System.
    • Support for recording in a build - record player inputs, replay on your PC. Finding bugs will never be the same!
    Beware that we currently facing issues with the Rider code editor!

    What does the future hold?
    We are an ambitious bunch - recording manual tests is already quite useful, but there is more! We are working on an AI that learns from your replays and creates new tests for you! If this sounds interesting to you, stay tuned!

    Where do I get GTR?
    The asset store, of course: