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Ignore TextMeshPro

Discussion in 'Unity Build Automation' started by lucas_anizelli, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. lucas_anizelli


    Apr 6, 2021
    I'm getting this when using UCB:

    Assembly with name 'Unity.TextMeshPro' already exists (Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro/Scripts/Runtime/Unity.TextMeshPro.asmdef)
    Assembly with name 'Unity.TextMeshPro' already exists (Assets/External/TextMesh Pro/Scripts/Runtime/Unity.TextMeshPro_Custom.asmdef)
    Assembly with name 'Unity.TextMeshPro.Editor' already exists (Assets/External/TextMesh Pro/Scripts/Editor/Unity.TextMeshPro.Editor_Custom.asmdef)
    Assembly with name 'Unity.TextMeshPro.Editor' already exists (Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro/Scripts/Editor/Unity.TextMeshPro.Editor.asmdef)

    I have Text Mesh Pro imported to my project externally because I need to modify some things, there's a way to ignore Text Mesh Pro from Packages when using UCB? Thanks in advance.