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If the player collision touches an object with a specific tag, it will subtract the player's health.

Discussion in '2D' started by Hexelont, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. Hexelont


    Oct 6, 2021
    Does anyone know how to make it so when the player touches something (for example lava), the player loses a health. I tried searching for a bit and can't find much results, maybe it's because I can't find much sources. I'm sure this is easy but I haven't learnt it yet.

    This would help a lot since I want to try make my dream game! Thanks.
  2. Cornysam


    Feb 8, 2018
    Look into OnTriggerEnter2D function. There are plenty of YouTube videos on this subject
  3. Kurt-Dekker


    Mar 16, 2013
    EXACTLY this... and when you're doing it, to debug what is going on as you get the trigger callback (which must be spelled and typed PRECISELY correctly!), keep these notes in mind:

    You must find a way to get the information you need in order to reason about what the problem is.

    What is often happening in these cases is one of the following:

    - the code you think is executing is not actually executing at all
    - the code is executing far EARLIER or LATER than you think
    - the code is executing far LESS OFTEN than you think
    - the code is executing far MORE OFTEN than you think
    - the code is executing on another GameObject than you think it is

    To help gain more insight into your problem, I recommend liberally sprinkling Debug.Log() statements through your code to display information in realtime.

    Doing this should help you answer these types of questions:

    - is this code even running? which parts are running? how often does it run? what order does it run in?
    - what are the values of the variables involved? Are they initialized? Are the values reasonable?
    - are you meeting ALL the requirements to receive callbacks such as triggers / colliders (review the documentation)

    Knowing this information will help you reason about the behavior you are seeing.

    You can also put in Debug.Break() to pause the Editor when certain interesting pieces of code run, and then study the scene

    You could also just display various important quantities in UI Text elements to watch them change as you play the game.

    If you are running a mobile device you can also view the console output. Google for how on your particular mobile target.

    Here's an example of putting in a laser-focused Debug.Log() and how that can save you a TON of time wallowing around speculating what might be going wrong: