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!IDEAS!Help with programming tutorial videos

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slimenian, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Slimenian


    Oct 24, 2015
    (Sorry if this is in the wrong section)
    Hello, my name is Slimenian and i decided to make a youtube channel.
    The channel is tutorial channel where I will make tutorials on how to make games in unity.

    And the question is:

    What kind of game tutorials you would like to see?
    For the first project i decided it would be Pong a simple 2d game.
    What would you like to see next, a platformer.... You give the idea so i know what would you/viewers want!

  2. JohnnyA


    Apr 9, 2010
    Google pong tutorial, there's a lot of them. Similar for platform tutorials, although not quite so many there are several good ones with heaps of episodes.

    If you want to add real value you need to either cover material that isn't well covered, or do something unique or interesting. Whats special or unique about your tutorials?

    Some suggestions:

    - Multiplayer matchmaking with ranking so you get matched with players of similar skill
    - Externalising game configuration and assets so you can do online updating
    - A quality FPS AI with cover system
  3. iamthwee


    Nov 27, 2015
    I would like to see...

    Basic coverage of unity and it's ide, navigation etc.
    Unity's UI and how to use it in a game, how to customise so it doesn't look so bad
    Simple 2D platformer using physics engine with simple meshes
    Pong or tetris game including full code and how to modularize code
    Rigging simple 2.5D, animating and control
    3D controls, first person controls, how to animate and move inside unity
    Gun shooting and adding bullet holes and blood splatters.
    Inventory management system.
    Third person tutorial leading to an MMO style game,
    Networked game not sure if you have to rely on third party stuff.
    Unity mechanics like the hinge, wind, particle effects.
    Writing your own shaders.
    Using water, floating, wave/ocean/boyancy scripting.

    Thanks for the consideration and tutorials.
  4. Kiwasi


    Dec 5, 2013
    I've found specific tasks perform better then building complete games. Some of my better ones include drag and drop, building menus and so forth.

    Unity and the learn section has the beginner market down. There is little point trying to compete there. Advanced users tend to prefer text tutorials and documentation.

    That leaves the sweet spot for you tubers as intermediate level tutorials.
    Martin_H likes this.
  5. JohnnyA


    Apr 9, 2010
    You know as I was writing I was thinking maybe some of my ideas are not that suited to video tutorials. So @Slimenian listed to the guy who creates good tutorials :)
  6. SniperEvan


    Mar 3, 2013
    I want to see procedural content tutorials.

    Good example of procedural content:

    The more advanced the better! :D:D
    Martin_H likes this.
  7. Slimenian


    Oct 24, 2015
    Thanks everyone. I will consider your posts and what is already done and what would you like to see!
  8. GarBenjamin


    Dec 26, 2013
    Seems like there are lot of samples. Very focused isolated pieces. With the nature of Unity and its component-based design it seems like the most valuable videos would be on making a full game. And not super simple stuff like the Unity 2D aliens and UFO game. I mean something with some meat to it showing how best to tie those little odds and ends together

    It almost seems like few devs really "get" how to best Unity for a real project. So instead they focus on tiny tightly focused examples of this is how you can do exactly this. And this is how you can do exactly this. A good step in the right direction would be a "and now putting it all together". Something that focuses on the architecture of a real game project instead of just pieces in isolation. So I guess maybe just architecture level instead of bits and pieces as most seem to cover.
  9. Slimenian


    Oct 24, 2015
    Ok, so i decided i will make tutorials few full games and few like only short tutorials on how to implement movememnt, make a main menu and so on.
  10. dogmachris


    Sep 15, 2014
    Try making tutorials on things, that haven't been covered yet. There really are countless tutorials on the basics of game design. The really good tutorials are the ones that covere more specific - and in most cases - more difficult topics. You should try and make a tutorial on things people keep asking about on Unity answers, without getting any answers.
    Kiwasi likes this.
  11. Slimenian


    Oct 24, 2015
    Was also thinking this
  12. Azmar


    Feb 23, 2015
    I agree with this also. Most tutorials are just sooo useless that they cover what everyone else covers. No one seems to cover any real topics, or info that people actually need that is hard to find. I am starting to think the tutorial people really don't know much...some tutorials the way they program really makes my cringe on how horrible the performance will turn out in the future.

    Just like everyone else, we were all new once and when we tried to find answers on real topics it is hard to find it or doesn't exist, that is what you should cover. For example I wanted to improve performance and one of first things I found was put all my textures into one texture atlas, literally thats all it said and it moved onto something else. I tried to find more info on this "put all textures onto on texture atlas" and I struggled...sure it might be straight forward as a one liner but how do you actually do it may confuse people and they don't know how. You would think it would be something incredibly important to reduce your draw calls down to 1 and people would have more tutorials on this. Anyways just an example of something simple but complicated that people like to avoid.
  13. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    Please do a short video showing, & explaining why it needs to be done that way, how to access variables on other scripts. That seems to come up all the time.

    Then a short one showing how to look for the cause of those error messages you get when you have to many or not enough { or }
    Kiwasi likes this.
  14. Kiwasi


    Dec 5, 2013

    Surprisingly neither of these videos have performed particuarly well.

    The parsing error in particular seems to have been ignored. Scroll through the comments, it's enough to make one cry. I aborted the error series as the videos were just becoming places for people to ask for personal debugging.
    tedthebug likes this.
  15. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    Seems like there should be a sticky post with just short error videos & no comments (maybe mods could be the only ones that can post to it so they can link them in as needed?).
  16. mdrotar


    Aug 26, 2013
    Not content suggestions but general suggestions:
    • Use a good quality microphone with a bit of radio-like processing. It makes it easier to hear and more pleasant to listen to.
    • Normalize your audio volume. Don't let your voice be too quite. And don't have the intro hit be 10x louder than your voice. And don't have your running game sounds be louder than your voice.
    • Plan out your video ahead of time and even rehearse it once or twice, at least until you get really good at it. It will reduce the dead space, mistakes and the amount of editing you'll have to do.
    • Edit your video down to only the useful parts. Don't make me watch you wait 10 seconds for Unity or Visual Studio to open, or you setting up a basic project (unless that's what the video is about).
    • Make sure the thumbnail video that youtube shows tells us what the video is about. Include the series name and what topic the specific video covers.
    • At the beginning of a video series, show us what the final result will be (what we're working towards).
    • At the beginning of the video, give a quick overview of what the goal of that video is.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
    Kiwasi likes this.
  17. mdrotar


    Aug 26, 2013
    I had a unique idea for a tutorial series a little while ago. At least, no one else has done it as far as I know. I'll give the idea away for free here because I'll likely never do it myself... because it's probably not even a good idea.

    One problem I have with a lot of game-making tutorials is that they use basic squares or spheres or blocky objects they whipped up in blender. The games look ugly and the functionality is on the order of flappy birds. What I'd like to see is a game-making tutorial where to goal is to make a high quality game in the shortest time possible, even if that means spending a bit of money. Something that looks as good as Unity's Blacksmith demo or even Angry Bots. Supposedly that's what Unity is good at so let's see how to do it. And the tutorial would do this by using assets from the asset store. Sure, use free assets where possible, but it wouldn't hesitate to use paid assets to make it easier and awesomer.
    GarBenjamin likes this.
  18. ParachutingTurtle


    Jan 18, 2016
    If you want to make tutorials, I have one advice for you (that may or may not be feasible for what you want to do):

    Make them as short and snappy as possible!
    Get to the point quickly, nobody wants to listen to "Hello youtube, my name is X and in this tutorial I will show you bla bla and then I will also get to bla bla bla", that information is already in the title of your video.
    Don't make long-winded explanations when not needed, abstain from excessively long phrasing and repeating yourself (once I saw a tutorial in which the guy kept connecting sentences with "and then after that you're gonna wanna...", it got on my nerves quickly for some reason).
    Be short and concise, people love that.
  19. Azmar


    Feb 23, 2015
    I was about to make a knock at university people / profs, as people are never quick and concise and just blah blah for hours on useless S***. I realized when people take forever to explain something they don't actually know it. Oh wait I just did knock university people. P.S. I am in university.
  20. mdrotar


    Aug 26, 2013
    Perhaps you should transfer to a better University.
  21. Azmar


    Feb 23, 2015
    Please no, I put in my time I can't handle putting in double time. I want to be free!
  22. RichCodes


    Apr 3, 2013
    I've been waiting 8 months because of that cliffhanger "This isn't even the best way to communicate between scripts in all cases". ;)

    I'm just kidding, your videos are great by the way.
  23. Kiwasi


    Dec 5, 2013
    Yeah, it's been a while. Life threw some significant curve balls at me over the last year. I will be back, but no promises on the date.