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Question I wonder how Unity Analytics aggregates users.

Discussion in 'Unity Analytics' started by bps_jeongwonsik, Jun 20, 2022.

  1. bps_jeongwonsik


    Nov 2, 2021
    I wonder how Unity Analytics aggregates users.
    My program is window standalone.
    Is it IP count??
    or Program excute count?
  2. Laurie-Unity


    Unity Technologies

    Mar 5, 2020
    Hi There,

    There are numerous different aggregated KPIs that Unity Analuytics populates. You will find more information on them in the Unity Analytics Documentation.

    I presume you are refering specifically to players and how Unity Analytics identifies and counts them individually. The Analytics SDK generates a random anonymous ID for each player the first time it is launched, or you can specify your own ID if you prefer. This ID is used to in all subsequent standard and custom gameplay events that you record for the duration of that game installation and as long as the user has provided their consent where appropriate.

    The SDK also generates a unique random sessionID each time it is launched or resumes from a period of extended dormancy. This is used to calculate session based metrics like retetntion.

    The player's IP address is used to identify the country they are playing from, but not their city or precise location. Their IP it is not stored, it is just transient and used for the country lookup.

    I hope that helps