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I want a help in besual scripting..!

Discussion in 'Visual Scripting' started by sudiproy20yo, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. sudiproy20yo


    Aug 13, 2020

    Add all cards to card list.PNG
    Card Types.PNG In runtime Toggle card type.PNG Resources.PNG Toggle unity event.PNG
    I have a project. In this game project, I stuck with a problem...

    Environment Description:
    • I have a resources folder in my asset folder.
    • There are 24 scriptable object cards.
    • Each card has a Type.
    • There are three types Simple, Dark, feelings.
    • In Game's Runtime, we have toggle buttons for each type to check or uncheck.
    • Each toggle button has a toggle event that returns a custom unity event in the bolt flow graph.
    • We have an application type variable named cards, where we save all cards from the resources folder at the start event.
    • At the start, all toggle buttons are checked.
    What I want:
    • Check if the card type matches the toggle button's card type and then Remove all cards of the same types from the cards list.
    For Example: If we click the Dark toggle button then it'll remove all dark type cards from cards list.​

      • Then do the opposite. like...
        • Check if the card type matches the toggle button's card type and then Add all cards of the same types from the cards list.
        For Example: If we again click the Dark toggle button then it'll add all dark type cards from the cards list.
    • And all the code I need is in Bolt. I don't want to use c#.
    Thanks You