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Question I have had HDRP for 2 years now. How do you put a 2d texture on a sphere?

Discussion in 'High Definition Render Pipeline' started by goodnewsjimdotcom, May 20, 2023.

  1. goodnewsjimdotcom


    May 24, 2017
    Can someone help me? This has to be the most basic thing ever, skinning a basic shape and I can't do it, not even after 2 years:

    I really have no clue how HDRP works. Like 0,none at all. I read tutorials, and it talks about shader graph and other stuff only used by arcane wizardry... None of it makes sense. So I've gone 2 years literally just using whatever asset works.

    I'd like to simply skin a basic object. I wish there was a converter in HDRP that'd convert from the normal unity to HDRP the best guess it has, but most stuff just turns white or errors.
  2. koirat


    Jul 7, 2012
    Create material with your texture. And put it on a sphere.
    Or create decal.

    Working with HDRP is not so different from Build-In for such a basic stuff.

    What is your expected result ?
  3. goodnewsjimdotcom


    May 24, 2017
    Solved here:

    Turns out UNITY with HDRP breaks from standard UI convention of having boxes to drag and drop to, and just has the circle icon. It threw me.

    I don't get why UNITY can't stick to its own internal standards when developing all these new features.

    Expected Box to drag and drop to: [.......................]

    Had to use a very small circle icon hidden & buried under a multi menu: o
  4. dgoyette


    Jul 1, 2016
    I'm not really sure what you're talking about here... I don't think there's any difference in how any of this works between HDRP and Built-in. Here's a Material in built-in:


    And a Material in HDRP:


    Those squares to the left of the label are for dragging/dropping textures onto them. That works fine in built-in and HDRP.

    The video you posted in that reddit thread also has nothing to do with HDRP. You were trying to drag a Texture onto the Material slot of a renderer. That doesn't do anything in HDRP, but it also doesn't do anything in built-in either.

    Feel free to be frustrated and ask for help. But as a I see it, HDRP isn't doing anything different than built-in here.