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Hub: no info nor control over the installation of Unity 2019 on Windows ?

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by Starbox, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. Starbox


    Sep 17, 2014
    I recently put Unity 2019 manually on a PC. I wanted to add modules but could not because for some obscure reason Lord Hub requires that I install Unity through it to be able to install modules.
    That is sooo complicated. Why such useless restrictions?
    Therefore, I had to add another Unity copy to the computer. Just great.
    It kept downloading without providing any information; meaning that if my connection would drop, well then I was just screwed. Suddenly something changed, and then Unity installed itself without even prompting me once about if I wanted to validate the installation and, above all, WHERE I wanted this copy of Unity to be installed. So this little punk decided on its own to install itself onto drive C, like any kind of shady malware. It's just insane.
    Please tell me that the ever so wonderful Hub has a secret option to allow me to move the copy of Unity 2019 to another drive and not loose module support while doing so.
    EvOne likes this.
  2. Starbox


    Sep 17, 2014
    The "path" option is in Preferences, right. I discovered it almost by accident since I didn't feel the need to click on settings. The reason being that as Unity refused to allow users to declare modules that have been installed manually, I didn't expect to be given the choice to actually define a path of software location. But it does exist.
    In other words, the option was there but because of the Hub's restrictive policy regarding a developer's margin of manoeuver on module management, I didn't expect this choice to exist.
    Unity simply does not communicate enough about its existence. But communication is the key to everything.

    So imho the only thing Hub coders have to do is add the launch of a prompt when the user decides to install Unity through the Hub for the first time.
    Fields :
    • Default path / Custom path (save?)
    • Always ask / remember my choice (no more prompts, can be returned to default in Preferences)
    Mac users will likely not feel concerned since they shove all new tools in the Apps folder, but it's not the case on PC.