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Feedback Hub Feature Request: Allow option to ignore DevTools and Documentation when installing new Editors

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by ROBYER1, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. ROBYER1


    Oct 9, 2015
    Feature request for Unity Hub to allow us to have an option to have Dev Tools (Microsoft Visual Studio 2019) unticked and also Documentation unticked when installing new editor versions?

    This is a daily annoyance when installing new version of Unity with the Hub on our machines - we already have Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 which works fine for our projects and the documentation is online so we don't need a 550mb+ local copy of it with every editor install on our hard drives.


    I often work between lots of different editor versions per project so having to check that for every install on new machines is a faff.
    Anthiese likes this.