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How to use "Moving Animation" with the AnimatorController?

Discussion in 'Animation' started by Padrox_, Aug 13, 2021.

  1. Padrox_


    Jun 12, 2021

    I'm new to Unity, and I'm trying to figure out how to use the Animation States.

    I started by getting a character from Mixamo and I selected some animations.

    The character is now animated.

    It's an empty GameObject with hips (armature) and the 3D model of the character.
    One of my animations is a jump attack, the Character jump in front of himself and hits the ground.
    The problem is that the animated object is the hips, so when it moves forward, the parent GameObject is still at the same place, so when it transitions back to the Idle state, it moves the hips back to the Empty Parent Transform.

    My question is how to use Animation that moves from the Empty Parent's transform?