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How to set post processing for only one object?

Discussion in 'Universal Render Pipeline' started by MrMylad, May 17, 2022.

  1. MrMylad


    Jan 6, 2022
    Hello! I have been making a game and decided to use post processing to the game using the new system. I have used the volume thing and set up all the after effects for the game, except the sun. You see, I need to add the override "Bloom" but I have no idea how to add it to the sun only, it doesn't work with local volume and obviously not with global. I checked some tutorials but they're all incredibly complex . I need a simple way to do everything. I'm fine with code. Just needing it to be simple

  2. funkyCoty


    May 22, 2018
    Your screenshot seems to be broken.

    Bloom is a post process effect that runs on the whole screen. Unity's bloom doesn't have any sort of per-object masking for bloom. In theory you could use a separate camera to render the sun, then run post processing on just that, then blit it to your main camera's result. Maybe an easier solution though is to simply set the threshold to be something very high, and have the sun's emission be very bright (the only thing in the scene you allow to be that bright).
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