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How to rotate a model in UnityAR Image Anchor scene?

Discussion in 'AR' started by zyonneo, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. zyonneo


    Apr 13, 2018
    Hi,recently I tried the UnityARImage scene.There I created ARReferenceImage added the images into it.I attached a script to the gameobject to rotate on swipe touch.I took the build and when I showed it to the image target,the prefab came but in opposite direction.I turned the object to 180 rotation in unity and clicked apply to save the settings as prefabs.Still the model comes in opposite direction.When I rotate the model, it shows a slight movement(very slight) and comes back to its old position,like it is glued to the target image.How to rotate and zoom the object.I have the code but how to stop the model from glued to ARkit-Target image
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018