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Unity UI How to reduce Unity's instantiated UI batches?

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by IMAN_SH, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. IMAN_SH


    Mar 8, 2016
    I'm working on a simple Android game. And I have some enemies in my game that they has blood line and a text mesh pro for their names on top of their heads.

    For doing this I made an UI image prefab and I put a Text Mesh Pro inside the prefab as a child.

    And when my game scene load every enemy in the scene will instantiates their blood line with special name on their heads.

    But my problem is that I wan't to reduce batches, because every blood line makes two batches and if I have 50 enemy in my scene , the number of batches will be to much. And I think it may affect the game's performance.

    I want to know is there any way to reduce number of this kind of UI batches ?

    I also say all of the instatiated blood line prefabs has same material.