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Unity's version control component has been upgraded to Plastic SCM.

How To Profile Collaborate's Time-to-update?

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by AdamKane, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. AdamKane


    Dec 3, 2012

    To optimize framerate, memory usage, or just about anything else, the shared wisdom is to "profile first, then optimize."

    Given a small-sized 1GB project, with ~5,000 files total, completing a 1KB udpate via Collaborate , on a fast network and beefy PC, takes about 2 minutes for my team.

    Is there a way to profile that process to figure out where the time is being spent, so that we can optimize a project to be as "Collaborate-friendly" as possible? Is using the -enableCollabEventLogs startup parameter and noting the timestamps the best/only approach?

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.

    Bug Case ID 643900:

    Project UPID:

    Screen Recording:
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2019
  2. MattT5


    Dec 7, 2017
    They 'just' need to fix the update process. It is ridiculous that Unity hangs after an update like this (our project's Assets folder is 9.4 GB, 13K files, but Unity hangs for less than 2 minutes on my PC). It is probably spending that time hashing more friggin' files.

    I put the 'just' in quotes, because I don't think it is just (hah) an optimization problem. Collaborate seems to have a algorithmic problem (case in point: 'Checking for changes' and the 2.0 update), which no amount of optimization can and will ever solve.

    Interestingly, when Collaborate was in beta, it did not have this problem. Updates were instant if I recall correctly. I also don't think 'Checking for changes' existed yet either.