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How to linked two animations?

Discussion in 'Animation' started by DarkCooker, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. DarkCooker


    Jan 7, 2015
    I have 2 humanoid animations - Zombie and Human.

    One is running towards the human and bite.
    One is human that being bite and use his hands to push the zombie back.

    The problem is the game both characters are moving around and trigger when the zombie attacks.

    We have already tried to re-position the human in front of the zombie, but every time both
    zombie and human are not playing the animations in the same position.

    Both animations are set as
    Root Transform Rotation - Bake Into Pos + original Based Upon
    Root Transform Y - Bake Into Pos + original Based Upon
    Root Transform XZ - Original Based upon / Center of Mass (both no luck)

    is there any tool or joint that can help?