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how to interface 3dof motion platform with unity3d

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by Kashif Amin, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Kashif Amin

    Kashif Amin

    Oct 28, 2010
    Dear All,

    I am working on homemade 3 DOF motion platform to with i wish to interface Unity3d Car Tutorial Game Or any other racing game.

    Kindly help me how to interface motion platform with unity. I want to know how unity3d gives output to the port so that i can sychronise motion behaviour of the game vehicle to my home made motion platform.

  2. Kashif Amin

    Kashif Amin

    Oct 28, 2010
    Dear All,

    I am working on homemade 3 DOF motion platform to with i wish to interface Unity3d Car Tutorial Game Or any other racing game.

    Kindly help me how to interface motion platform with unity. I want to know how unity3d gives output to the port so that i can sychronise motion behaviour of the game vehicle to my home made motion platform.
