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how to hide a model behind invisible plane?

Discussion in 'AR' started by OscarOso16, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. OscarOso16


    Jul 27, 2018
    Hi everyone, i'm not very good writing english but i'll try my best.
    I've been working on an AR App to try on jewelry, using Vuforia and Unity 2018.1.5f1.
    I want to "cut" or "hide" half of the model using an invisible, in fact i already did it.

    I used a shader from One Plane Cross Section and a piece of code, the problem is that i want to make it look more realistic, so i changed to Standar (Specular Septup) Shader, but obviously the plane don't cut anymore.

    I tried to modify the specular shader but is so much code, 230 000 lines of code or something like that,

    Is there a way to do what i want? I don't really need to keep using specular shader, what i need is cut the model keeping a realistic look.
  2. JoystickLab


    Mar 18, 2016
    Hello, I am not sure about your question. But it seems you are trying to hide the virtual object by the original physical object?

    this term is called Occlusion. If you are looking for this particular thing, check out this video, This might help to set up a simple occluder to your AR Scene.

    Hope it helps