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How to get the addressable resource context with version 1.1.7 ?

Discussion in 'Addressables' started by FredericID, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. FredericID


    Feb 18, 2019

    Previously I have been using the Addressables in version 0.5.3 and I was able to get the addressable resource context like in the following code exemple (using op.Context to get the ID Grand_Place) :

    yield return Addressables.LoadAssets<Sprite>("sprites_all", op =>
    //op.Context = Assets/Data/Sprites/Grand_Place/1_SpriteName.jpg

    string locationID = op.Context.ToString().Split('/')[3];


    But now with the version 1.1.7, I can't do it anymore. The option "Context" is not available. So my question is how can I get the addressable resource context with the new following code :

    AsyncOperationHandle<Sprite> request = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<Sprite>("sprites_all");

    yield return request;

    if(request.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded)
    //Need to get the full resource context here to be able to do exactly the same as in the previous code

    request. ?


    Thank you in advance for your help
  2. unity_bill


    Apr 11, 2017
    We got rid of that for two reasons. For one, it wasn't actually right all that much of the time. Second was we cleaned up our loading (specifically reference counting) making it more robust, and in the process made it less likely for there to be a "context" that made sense all the time.

    So the way you get what you want is to do this...

    var handle = Addressables.LoadResourceLocationsAsync("sprites_all");
    yield return handle;

    Now you have a list of IResourceLocations. Each has an InternalId that will tell you what Context used to. Depending on what you were planning to do with that context you can either load only the ones you want, or load them all in a loop, and put them in some structure that associates InternalId with asset.
  3. zyc_dc


    May 11, 2018
    Seems that load in a loop is much slower than Addressables.LoadAssets when load many small files. Perhaps it is caused by that yield return op need at least one frame to execute? Is there any walk-around?
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019
  4. AlkisFortuneFish


    Apr 26, 2013
    If you are doing Load then yield in a loop, then yes, that would be why it is slow, as it will take at least as many frames as you have items. You can fire off all the load asset operations storing the AsyncOperation in a list, and then yield while any operation in the list is not complete, rather than yielding for each operation individually.
    RecursiveFrog likes this.
  5. zyc_dc


    May 11, 2018
    Yeah. You're right. Now I use await instead of coroutine. It works now