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how to create a realistic ocean

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by steveh2112, Feb 14, 2020.

  1. steveh2112


    Aug 30, 2015
    i'm trying to create a realistic ocean but i can't find any good information. where is the documentation for unity water4advanced?
    i've tried several things. a big water4 scaled to 50x50 for the distant ocean to the horizon and several smaller waters, about 10x10 for close to shore, this seems to work kinda ok except the transition for close to far doesn't look good.

    anyhow, anybody solved oceans realistically? (without paying for an asset)?

    also i had to mod my skybox so the horizon is below the horizon or you see a black line at the horizon

  2. steveh2112


    Aug 30, 2015
    i got something nice working, first thing to notice, any changes you make to the settings to the script seem to be permanent (no undo), and mess up the prefab, so best to duplicate the water4 prefab so you have a reference.
    anyhow, i just stuck with the defaults in the end, only thing i changed was the scale in x and z
    i made the first water4 40x40 and placed it at y -1
    then i made a few more water4s dotted around the island with a scale of 4 and 4, y pos 0
    i made my land y start at -5
    other thing is i set 100% alpha on the material but it's still very see through on the shoreline, trying to work out how to get more opaque