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How do you Export and Implement Animation Switching(DAZ FBX)

Discussion in 'Animation' started by greatUnityGamer, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. greatUnityGamer


    Aug 11, 2013
    So ok, i know you're supposed to export Animations from DAZ as FBX.
    So let's say you have
    standby, punch, kick, walk
    (standby.fbx, punch.fbx, kick.fbx, walk.fbx)

    Then in Unity, where do you put those animations so that Unity will find them?
    And then in the script how do you do it?

    It's been long since i tried this...because i haven't done Unity in a while and when i tried i never really found out how to do it.

    Anyways would it be something like this:

    "if( enemy sees player)
    make enemy currentAnimation = walk
    and make him approach the player
    if(at random decide to do it)
    currentAnimation = punch

    in other words, you just need a currentAnimation variable and then you just set it to the name of the FBX animation you want? I would be doing it in C# so what type should i use for currentAnimation?

    is it something like
    Animation currentAnimation ?