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HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup mouse wheel always works

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by inchgames, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. inchgames


    Jul 8, 2018
    I have a ScrollRect, there I have HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup and buttons as cells. When I press Keyboard Arrows, or Left stick on gamepad I move between them. For me it's required to disable that actions.
    Didn't find any solution except writing an own Standalone Input Module. I could fix this keyboard and gamepad issue inside of SendMoveEventToSelectedObject method. There is also Mouse Middle button(Wheel) and when I scroll a wheel it switches between cells, but there is no way in standalone input module to disable that.
    I even removed the input module from scene. Clicks on UI elements don't work anymore, but Mouse wheel is still working and does that scrolling.
    Is there any way to control that? It's very weird that it's said Standalone input module handles that, but in fact it doesn't. It's done somewhere else.
    Help please.