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HoloLens and Vuforia - which Unity version?

Discussion in 'VR' started by MrSmokes, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. MrSmokes


    Jun 13, 2017
    is it actually possible to get the HoloLens working with Vuforia at the moment?

    i've run into multiple SDK issues. it would seem that vuforia needs the 10.0.16299.0 SDK but the HoloLens refuses to build on anything newer than 10.05.15063.0 SDK.

    if you are having success building HoloLens combined with Vurofia apps, what version are you running? or is this just an SDK problem we'll have to await a fix for in a newer version of unity?

  2. ThatDarnCat


    Unity Technologies

    Jan 4, 2017
    Vuforia and Hololens do work together. Are you seeing errors in Unity or Visual Studio? What versions of Unity and Visual Studio are you running?
  3. jghospital


    Nov 22, 2017
  4. MrSmokes


    Jun 13, 2017
    hi, thanks for the replies

    i'm using Unity 2017.2.1f1 (have also tried 2017.1.1f1) i'm also trying to use the Microsoft mixed reality toolkit, which i guess is the problem. is it's not recommended with unity 2017.2 (with the HoloLens, but will work with other microsoft MR headsets) - but for the purpose of using Vuforia i guess i dont necessarily need the toolkit to achieve my goal - it just makes further interactions a lot easier to implement.

    so i guess as long as i can get the Camera set up for Hololens (not difficult, but i'm lazy so generally use the toolkit configuration options) i just then need to configure any gestures that might be required.

    just knowing that it does work together helps, so i will try a few more things. such as using the Vuforia hololens example without the MRdesignLabs toolkit, which i guess is breaking my build process... i will try it using just the holotoolkit and will ensure i find a version that works with unity 2017.2

    (for reference) the main error i have been getting is:
    Assets\HoloToolkit\Utilities\Scripts\Extensions\InteractionSourceExtensions.cs(113,43): error CS1929: 'SpatialInteractionController' does not contain a definition for 'TryGetRenderableModelAsync' and the best extension method overload 'InteractionSourceExtensions.TryGetRenderableModelAsync(InteractionSource)' requires a receiver of type 'InteractionSource'
  5. MrSmokes


    Jun 13, 2017
    i managed to get the vuforia+hololens sample working in Unity 2017.2.1f1

    this is the sample i used:

    these are the instructions i followed:

    however, the build will not deploy remotely from visual studio to the HoloLens - when selecting debug > x86 > remote machine, i am usually prompted for an IP address for the HoloLens. this did not happen. therefore, i was unable to deploy the app remotely.

    so i figured i'd try with a cable. i am then able to successfully deploy the app to the device via link cable, but if i detach the device from the link cable, or attempt to run the installed app on the hololens, the app will only get as far as "trying to map your surroundings" and goes no further.

    yet, if i reconnect the cable and run the app from visual studio it will work. if i reconnect the cable and run the app from the hololens, it sits at "trying to map your surroundings" and goes no further - which is obviously not the desired outcome.

    so yea... it kinda works, but not really. it'll only run successfully from visual studio, not the device itself.

    edit: after a small change to the scene and a rebuild, it now says "unable to activate windows store app. the activation request failed."

    hololens dev is a pain in the balls.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  6. MrSmokes


    Jun 13, 2017
    ok... now it works from the hololens.... still wont deploy to a remote machine, but i can at least use it un-tethered now.

    edit: it would also seem object detection doesn't work, but image detection does. nope, object detection does work, but not on all of them... (i was using a ice hockey puck - not detected, and a piece of laptop memory, which was detected - both of which were detectable from my phone using the same detection model)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
  7. MrSmokes


    Jun 13, 2017
    i now have a working HoloLens + Vuforia example. updating to assist anyone looking for answers/issues encountered.

    i can only deploy it via cable from visual studio, not remotely.
    i cannot use the Device Portal on the HoloLens to capture video or screenshots of the app working, nor can i demonstrate the app working using these tools. if i try to connect to the device portal whilst the app is running, the app crashes to "trying to map area". the same thing happens if i attempt to start the app with the device portal already running.
    Object detection is working, but not for all objects in my library. even thought they all detect without a problem on other devices.
    world anchors are registered, but tracking from a distance of more than a meter away, leaves the rendered object very unstable.

    so yea... it works... but it's a long way from polished. hopefully HoloLens V2 will be an improvement.
  8. jghospital


    Nov 22, 2017

    You can not use the image camera of Hololens for two different purposes, in your case Vuforia and live image capturing to Device Portal. For enabling live sharing you have to stop Vuforia first.

    Edit: stabilization issues come from a Unity bug 982876 , supposed to be fixed in 2017.3.1p1 but I'm not pretty sure...
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  9. Gabrio


    Jan 31, 2016

    I've an issue with vuforia and hololens, if I run the scene in editor, the 3d model appear over the printed target correctly. If I run the app on Hololens, the 3d model doesn't appear in the right place.
    The printed target is exactly 0,2mt as setted in Unity.

    The funny thing is that if I search around me I can found the 3D model that is still related to the Image taregt, but if I move the paper to the up, the model move to down, and same if I move the target to right the model move to left.

    Any ideas on which parameter I've setted wrong?

    I've tried both with and without the "Track device pose", selected all the "world center mode" and all the GameObjects are in 0,0,0

    Tested with Unity 2018.1.7, Vuforia 7.2

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  10. sheena-fernandez


    Mar 1, 2019

    Hi! Im trying to do the same thing but I have a lot of errors when I try to deploy through Visual Studio. My Unity version is 2018.3.6f1 and Vuforia is 8-1-7. Specifically I get a lot of "No Symbols Loaded" exceptions and my app crashes after a few seconds. Anyone who has any idea on how to solve this?
  11. DeeForce


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 16, 2018
    Hi there, sheena-fernandez !
    Were you using a separate project for your Vuforia test? If so, could you possibly send me that project so we can take a look at it? Unfortunately with 1.8.7 Vuforia on their Asset Store 'HoloLens Samples' paired with 18.3, I was unable to reproduce the symbols errors. I launched through VS 17 with Debug, and all Symbols appeared to load correctly on my end.​
  12. sheena-fernandez


    Mar 1, 2019
    Hi! Yes I tried doing a very simple project to test Vuforia. I have also followed all the steps for Vuforia found on the Unity and Vuforia pages. How do I send you the project :)
  13. DeeForce


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 16, 2018
    Are you able to zip up the project and send me the link via google drive?
    Thank you so much for your patience, I hope we can get you unblocked ASAP!