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Heading System and Rotation Speed System

Discussion in 'Entity Component System' started by Held0fTheWelt, Jan 21, 2019.

  1. Held0fTheWelt


    Sep 29, 2015
    Hello there !

    I am still thinking about how to use the concepts as easy as possible.

    I first thought i would write my own rotation system, which is capable to rotate around all three axis instead of one around the up vector as given in the samples.
    But then there is for a long time this heading system, which is capable to turn the rotation by delta time to what the heading says, so this would mean, it does turn on all three axis, whenever the heading is moving along the space of theese axis.
    It is clear to me, that i would make the rotation speed system bigger in code, when trying to put this together, which are just a few lines, but i know: shortness rocks, if it does the job.


    why wouldn't i make a heading component, and how is it related to the rotationspeed component ?
    i cannot see, that the heading would be coupled to some deltatime and just changes rotation to a new value, which would be unwanted in various szenarios like my spaceships turning.
    It would be looking very confusing, if you run after them, they start to chase you and immediately face you.
    This is why i wanted to extend the rotation speed system.

    Can anybody give me an easy explanation