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GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! Help me pick the best FPS weapons (POLL)

Discussion in 'Game Design' started by Not_Sure, Jul 19, 2018.


What are some of your favorite FPS weapons?

  1. Quake Rocket Launcher

    5 vote(s)
  2. Quake Grenade Launcher

    0 vote(s)
  3. Quake Railgun

    5 vote(s)
  4. Quake Plasma Rifle

    1 vote(s)
  5. Doom BFG

    1 vote(s)
  6. Doom Chainsaw

    1 vote(s)
  7. Halo Plasma Sword

    2 vote(s)
  8. Half-Life Snarks

    1 vote(s)
  9. Halo Needler

    4 vote(s)
  10. TF2 Pyro Flame Thrower

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Not_Sure


    Dec 13, 2011

    My first enemy is very flood like.

    I made a spider enemy for prototyping from a free spider model on the asset store.

    So I made 100 of them and they scrambles around the ground and jump at the player in a rolling wave. Very cool.

    But meanwhile, even with that big collider, they're very tricky to hit spot on.

    Sure, you can fire rounds into the mass of them. But aiming for individual ones and finishing them off one by one is near impossible.

    I can definitely see how auto aim can help with this.
    newjerseyrunner likes this.
  2. newjerseyrunner


    Jul 20, 2017
    Wait, in your opinion aim-assist makes multiplayer easier? I’ve never heard that before.

    It makes it so that less skilled players can still kill you. That decreases the player gap. If takes far far more skill to not die when you enemy has auto aim than it does without.

    Are you considering only offense, because that’s only half of the formula. You seem to be considering the skill required to shoot with and without and there is a gap, but it’s nothing like the skill gap for defense with and without it.

    It makes getting kills slightly easier but not dying way harder.
  3. Not_Sure


    Dec 13, 2011
    Yeah, I think that's the best option.

    Have it on by default, but have an option to turn it off.

    All controversial features should take this approach.

    Same with bloom and motion blur.


    Jun 1, 2017
    You are thinking too linearly.

    It's not : does it make it easier or not? It's : does it interfere with the level of control I desire? I want the crosshair to go exactly where I put it without any influence. That's the level of control most MKB competitive players want. Consistency. I don't care how the enemy kills me. If he's great at reflex headshots, or aim assist helped them. Doesn't matter. But I don't want aim assist interfering with my ability to get headshots.

    Snapping from target to target without aim assist takes skill to develop, but when you develop that skill its great fun. Aim assist adds a lag that makes this high level of skill much less consistent and annoying to deal with. Usually, as it drags the crosshair toward the center of a character, it frustrates headshots as well.

    Depends on the genre of shooter and the nitty-gritties of how it works behind the scenes, but as a rule, if you want "hardcore" competitive fans to enjoy the game, let them just turn it off.
  5. AndersMalmgren


    Aug 31, 2014
    Aim assist is for little kids and console gamers
  6. newjerseyrunner


    Jul 20, 2017
    My response to that is “then get good.” :p

    I think not having aim assist dumbs games down too much. It takes very little skill to sidestep an unassisted aim, but a lot of skill to dance around a halo pistol. If you are good at the game, aim assist should have little effect on you but still makes it fun for less skilled players because it evens things out. In a game like Halo, the time from engagement to death is like two seconds with a pistol. The difference between three shorting and four shooting someone is how well they can move. If you’re good at moving, it’ll always take four shots to kill you and in that time, I’ve already put three into the enemy.

    It’s definately a personal preference though so make it an option.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2018
  7. Not_Sure


    Dec 13, 2011

    Cool. Cool.

    So what so of temporary power ups do you all like?
  8. AndersMalmgren


    Aug 31, 2014
    Or you leave them no choice but to play without so that all players get equal treatment


    Jun 1, 2017
    No, it does not take very little skill to side step an unassisted aim. It depends on what level of play you are talking about. Jump into almost any CS game and you are going to be getting headshotted so quick you'll swear everybody is hacking. But they aren't, they are just crack shots and know the game through and through.


    Jun 1, 2017
    You are really jumping through semantic hoops here to try and justify the exact opposite of reality. Aim assist is assistance. It's a handicap to help casual players keep up. It does not encourage more tactical gameplay. It helps casuals have a more forgiving experience.

    AA most certainly does not increase the level of play on any account. If you want to git gud in an FPS, that means increasing your skill in shooting and aiming, and increasing your map knowledge/tactical awareness. Both of them, together. AA just makes aiming more troublesome for those with good hand/eye coord.
  11. newjerseyrunner


    Jul 20, 2017
    That’s fine too, most games have modes like that. I’ve noticed the skill gap becomes much exaggerated in this case. In Halo slayer I usually go something like 20-5, but in a sniper match where there is no aim assist, I will consistently have zero deaths.

    @Not_Sure, what do you mean? Like An upgrade for the player or your weapon?

    My favorite powerup is Dooms berserk pack. It’s one of the most satisfying things to just start punching everything in your path.

    I also like invisibility. I remember laughing my ass off while running around Quake as nothing but a pair of eyes and rocketing everyone I saw.

    I actually can’t stand most power ups in multiplayer. I hate jet packs, sprinting, holograms, turrets...

    I don’t remember what game it was but I played one a long time ago where there was a powerup that shrunk you down. You were obviously harder to hit but you also moved faster and could jump way higher. It was really fun but I can’t for the life of my find what it was.

    Stasis is interesting. I’ve seen it in a few games and mostly hated it (I think Dead Space has a mechanic like that.). However, Zelda seems to have gotten in right because it was very satisfying in Breath of the Wild.
  12. newjerseyrunner


    Jul 20, 2017
    We’ll have to just agree to disagree. You consider AA On a handicap for those who aren’t as good at shooting, I consider AA off a handicap for those who aren’t as good at circle strafing.

    It probably depends seriously more on the type of game.

    You mentioned Counterstrike. I’ve played counterstrike. I know it’s focused more on longer range combat, which tends not to have AA in any game. You’re also slow a bricks so strafing doesn’t do much. Player speed greatly affects how much you need AA. I may get headshotted quickly in CS, but if you plopped the doom slayer down in the world with CS weapons, you’d never hit anything.

    I think you and I play very different types of games. You play games like CS which are heavily shooting and I play games like Quake where the main emphasis is movement. AA affects those types of games cery differently.


    Jun 1, 2017
    I've played them all since the beginning. Counter Strike is very fast paced and by design close range. There is no AA, you got to learn how to deal with the side step dance. That's part of the game. It's a crucial skill to learn how to control your fire, how to post, how to pre-aim, pre-shoot, all of this. AA only helps people with very poor aim do a little better sometimes, but it becomes a problem for higher level players most of the time. Also, in CS, you cannot fire accurately if moving at all. So strafing only gets you so far.

    Put AA in, I don't care. I just don't want it interfering with my ability to aim is all. The people who get me didn't do so because of AA, they got me because I made a mistake.
  14. newjerseyrunner


    Jul 20, 2017
    I’m not disagreeing that AA makes shooting easier. By by definition if you make offense easier, you make defense harder. Personally, I’d rather go 20-10 than 10-0 (or vise Versa if they’re better than me.). I don’t play snipers on halo specifically because it’s always one sided and I don’t enjoy dominating or being dominated. It’s very game specific I guess.


    Jun 1, 2017
    It doesn't make shooting easier. It makes shooting less consistent. It only helps the lowest tier players. Everybody else, it is a problem.

    It's like this : a person with a broken leg needs a crutch to move around. But if you hand me -- with two good legs -- a crutch and say I got to carry this around while I'm running, it's a problem.

    So you give the people crutches who need it. You don't shame them. It's just a game. We all get to have fun. But if the people with crutches start telling the people without crutches some nonsense about them being just as good, it's hard to swallow. With the crutches, you are walking. but the rest of us are running. We don't want to hear somebody say they are just as good runners as us, when they are using a crutch to merely walk. You just kind of want to bop them on the head, and say, "don't disrespect reality. we did something nice, letting you play with the big dogs."
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  16. Kiwasi


    Dec 5, 2013
    On aim assist, I tend to turn it off. Sure it means I hit slightly less, but it means I always hit what I'm aiming for. I find aim assist tends to be a hindrance more then a help when facing a crowd of enemies. The aim assist always seems to target a different enemy to the one I am targeting, and we end up fighting each other and missing both.

    I think it should be included in all fps games, with an easy option to turn off. Its a huge boon to new players just getting started. And if your game is to stay alive, you need to make it easy for new players. Its a pain for experienced players, but they can just turn it off.
  17. newjerseyrunner


    Jul 20, 2017
    I’m not, I’m saying that. It’s not a handicap that you give to lesser players, it’s a feature of most games. You’re required to hold that crutch and it’s just part of the game you have to learn. The magnetism is entirely deterministic and I can put my bullets in halo exactly where I want them because I’ve played with it on so much.

    I didn’t mean to sound denegrading (expect to the person who said AA is for children.)

    I’m saying if you give everyone a crutch, you have to be that much better at countering said crutch, where in games without it, you don’t.

    Have to played really fast games? I’m looking at videos of CS and it looks like you’re about the same speed as masterchief. I have a quake video up to compare and Quake runs about three or four times faster. Would you still have fun with CS if your enemies moved four times faster? I would think even someone as experienced as you would find hitting even a mediocre Quake character with a CS gun quite hard. What about when you weren’t as experienced? That’s not a slight at you; I’m pretty good with the halo sniper rifle which has no AA and I’m not sure I could hit doomguy, I definately couldn’t no scope him close quarters.


    Jun 1, 2017
    But contending with the crutch isn't fun.

    If the game is so hyper fast that aiming without some form of AA is impossible, sure use it.

    In general, across most of the FPS games I've played, most people beyond the lowest tier turn it off, not for any egotistical reason, but because it makes playing at their skill level less fun and more annoying.
  19. print_helloworld


    Nov 14, 2016
    @Not_Sure by flame throwers, do you mean the ability to set enemies on fire in an area for overtime damage, or the airblast? Would the flame thrower still be on the list if it didn't have the airblast?