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Getting started on multiple choices kind of game

Discussion in 'Community Learning & Teaching' started by Tsukeyomi, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Tsukeyomi


    Feb 20, 2014
    Hello Unity community,

    I'm thinking about making a multiple choices kind of game. Since it would be my first project in Unity I want to keep things simple but entertaining enough.

    I was thinking about a game with an initial menu, and the game part.
    The game part would be something like simple screens; since I'm a beginner I don't want too much graphic or complex things (probably no 3D) but this is just because I don't have the knowledge/capability to create good graphics and 3D stuff.
    In these simple screens text about the storyline will be shown, and (not always) the player will be given a few option on what to do. These options will affect the outcome of the story and so on. I'm sure you get the idea.

    Apart from the text I don't want these screens to be graphically poor either; maybe adding a background that fits the scenario the player is playing/reading at the moment would be nice. Since I'm no graphic artist I would not add character's images (unless there is an easy way to do it...), just general places that may resemble the described scenario.

    Last thing I would like to implement simple quizzes and puzzles. And I am also thinking of doing a simple kind of "inventory", where players can keep obtained items and maybe use them later on; this inventory thing would be easy, maybe 3 -4 items at time and maybe always displayed on screen (so that there is no need to have a separate menu just for that).

    So this is the game I have in mind, more or less.
    My question is: what would I need to implement the things written above?

    I have general knowledge of coding (mostly Java and C-like stuff), but I'm no pro at it. So I was wondering if implementing a thing like that would be hard for me or not. How do you handle save-games in Unity?

    For the graphic/display part: is there a framework, plugin or tool that can help me develop the game I have in mind? Something I should know? Please suggest anything, I'm totally new and don't give for granted that I know popular stuff. Can I also easily find graphics such as general backgrounds to use free of cost in my game? Or any other resources (even paid)? If there is an easy way to create simple characters, make them appear in dialogues and such, let me know. Please point me in right directions.

    Final question: if I would like to make simple connection to the internet (such as store saved files, or other little things), how can I do it? There are tools, plugins, etc. for this also? Please point out anything that can make my life easier :)

    I know this is a bit of a wall of text, so I'll be grateful to anyone who will take time to read and to carefully help me out.
    Thanks a lot people! :D:D

    PS: If someone wants to help me out personally, code with me, collaborate or just make a good friendship I will gladly accept it, please PM me or write down your contacts. I can also help you out in little and simple tasks for beginners if you already have an ongoing project.
  2. Yonben


    Jan 5, 2014
    Hey :)

    I'll be glad to talk more about that with you! I'm not a pro either, but I think we can help each other ;).

    Unfortunately, I can't find how to PM here :x