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Feedback Game is broken

Discussion in 'Addressables' started by faolad, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. faolad


    Jan 27, 2013
    First of all, all seems good on Unity. playing the scene on virtual mode no issues at all.

    But when testing on IOS I Keep getting null references and fatal errors mostly related to
    UnhandledExceptionHandler and all 3d animation don't work.
    I want to make simple things work at first then move from there, so here is the (simple) set up I used:

    - I have every scene as addressable. and all the Duplicate Assets with them. All in the Local Group.
    - I use Addressables.LoadSceneAsync() to load the scenes.
    - I use Addressables.LoadAssetAsync to load the playable character.

    In some scenes, I still use the Object.Instantiate and it works great. So we can still use this for static objects ?!
  2. CharBodman


    Sep 20, 2018
    The 3d animations probably don't work due to having `Strip Engine Code` on.

    The problem is that your game doesn't think you're using 3D animations, as all of the 3d animations are in the asset bundles, so it removes necessary engine code.

    I believe this is known in the change log as an issue. There are ways to prevent this from happening through using link.xml and preserving specific parts of the assembly. (although I personally have not gotten this to work) .

    Another way to fix it is to include at least one 3d animation into the build outside of Addressables.
  3. faolad


    Jan 27, 2013
    I manage to make them work including a script referencing Animator in a scene out of the Addressables. I can't make work the StateMachineBehaviour doe. Still, get null reference exception errors