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From ragdoll to animation issuse. Help!

Discussion in 'Animation' started by skyvuhieutran, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. skyvuhieutran


    May 28, 2019
    Hi guys! Can you help me with isssue. (Sorry for my English)
    My enemy switch from animator work well. But switch back get errors.
    When enemy is ragdoll. I swich to animation by:
    Step1: Enable false for all Collider => set isKinematic = true for all Rigidbody of Ragdoll
    Step2: Enable true for Root Collider => isKinematic = false for Rigibody => Enable true animator component and set code: anim.Play("GetUp.Drunk", 0, 0); But when animtion Drunk play wrong.
    Is that wrong way.
    Thanks for help.