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FreeLook Camera Jittering When Rotating Camera with Mouse

Discussion in 'Cinemachine' started by rtilton1, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. rtilton1


    Jan 4, 2017
    I'm on unity 2019.1.12f1. CM version 2.3.4.

    My CineBrain is set to SmartUpdate. I have no physics objects. Every frame on Update I do re-position the camera's LookAt transforms position. I'm doing that with the following code:

    Vector3 dir = heroPlayer.position - cam_main.transform.position; //main direction
    dir = dir + Vector3.up; //move up to eye level
    dir = dir.normalized * 5f; //normalize and scale
    cm_mainLookAtPoint.transform.position = heroPlayer.position + dir; //set position

    On the last line- I've tried lerping the lookAt new position with a value of .9f on every frame, but that did not remove the jitter.. I tried changing my FreeLook StandbyUpdate from RoundRobin to Always, but that did not remove the jitter... My FPS is around 400-700 consistently (nothing crazy happening in my scene). In the editor the character is moving smoothly, but the camera is jittery.

    I've also built the project and in the build there's also the same issue. It visually shows up less harsh (more like image ghosting), but indeed the same problem.

    Any ideas what's going on here?
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2019
  2. Gregoryl


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 22, 2016
    Can you show your vcam's inspector? And also the hierarchy, showing the vcam, main camera, player, and cm_mainLookAtPoint.
  3. rtilton1


    Jan 4, 2017
    No problem.
    Inspector: <---Image link works
    Hierarchy: <---Image link works

    Regarding the project - it's main virtual camera is the CM-Main-FreeLook. When I hold down right click it changes priorities so that the camera goes into CM-TargetingFreeLook. Both have the same jitter issue, but even if I never change priorities and stay in the CM-Main-Freelook I see this jitter issue.

    The CameraManager never moves or rotates. The Character Controller moves and the main virtual camera uses this as its Follow.

    It is worth noting about 20% of the time when I play the project I don't see the jitter...The other 80% it appears... I have no idea why it would be appearing as the frame-rate is still always above 400fps...The character doesn't jitter in the editor view - only the camera.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2019
  4. Gregoryl


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 22, 2016
    Thanks for the images. Note that you can paste images directly into the forum, it's much easier :)

    Looking at your code, it seems a little screwy. What happens when you get rid of cm_mainLookAtPoint and instead put a value in the Tracked Object Offset Y, to bring the lookAt to eye level? Use CharacterController as both LookAt and Follow targets.


    Put the same Y value in all 3 rigs.
    Does your jitter disappear when you do that?
  5. rtilton1


    Jan 4, 2017
    Thanks for the reply Gregoryl. Really appreciate how active/helpful you are on these forums.

    I switched my LookAt to be the same as the Follow (making it the Character Controller) and did the tracked object offset - and no longer see the jitter. The offset indeed helps to make sure it's pointed correctly closer to the characters head. Shouldn't the custom target that I have moving in code work also though? In general is this not recommended? Imagine I had a cube animating in the distance that I wanted to switch the character to looking at. Shouldn't it animate smoothly still?
  6. Gregoryl


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 22, 2016
    Yes, it's always possible to have an invisible game object that you use as a LookAt target, which you can lerp from object to object according to your needs.

    I think the problem in your case is that the code wasn't quite right, and introduced feedback with the camera. The tracking code should just follow a target object, perhaps with some offset, but without reference to the camera. Then the camera can track that, no problem.