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[FREE][Released] PlatinioTween - UI Animation Framework

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Unity3DNinja, Sep 7, 2019.

  1. Unity3DNinja


    Sep 4, 2019
    Hi i am James Roman, a senior developer in small company, mostly using VR technologies like Oculus.

    First let me start saying that PlatinioTween is no just another tween Library/Package/Framework/etc, yes it handles tweens like any normal tween asset, but it provides the tools you need to animate your UI from code, in a exact, clean and profesional way.

    If you want just to dive in, you can get it from the assetstore or if you prefer you can get it from github.

    If you like me have tried to animate the Unity UI before, you know that it can be a hell sometimes, especially for mobile devices, because RectTransform positions are always relative to his anchor, so it means that.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(100.0f , 100.0f);
    Is different for every single element that has different anchors configuration, one way to made it "works" is to use the same anchor position for every single element that we want to animate, but if you has been try it you know that it creates more problems that it try to solve.

    So i create this to convert any anchoredPosition for any RectTransform, to a global coordinate system, so you can move stuff around as precise as you want without touching the anchors.

    And if you are a little creative you can get nice results (i am no!).

    If you have any error, or feature request, you can reply to this thread or just drop me a email to