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FPS battle royale game AI using ML agents

Discussion in 'ML-Agents' started by prasengan, May 6, 2020.

  1. prasengan


    Oct 23, 2016
    For battle royale game (like PUBG), I want to train a team of shooters using self-play, I am unsure what to do when my player dies.

    I want to understand how to handle the death of agents in the two scenarios -

    1. Say 1 team has exactly 1 player, and at a time there are 4 players in the battleground, sharing the same model with different team ID, so what should I call if 1 Player dies?
    OnEpisodeEnd() and gameObject.SetActive(false)?

    2. Say 1 team has exactly 2+ players the what should I call on the death of a teammate?